About BIOSS Southern Africa

BIOSS SA is a niche’ consultancy focused on improving organisational and people effectiveness.

This is achieved through a blend of assessment, consulting and technology solutions. Our core lines of business are Psychometric, Capability and Gamified Assessments, Talent Management, Nature of Work Reviews, Change Management and Structural and Talent Analytics.

We have been successfully providing our products, services, and technology to clients since 1989 and our client base has steadily grown to over 200. We have offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town and associate consultants in various local and global geographies.

What BIOSS Can Do


Overview on BIOSS SA

BIOSS International

BIOSS Southern Africa is the only consulting organisation in Southern Africa licensed by BIOSS International in the UK to use the internationally accepted capability technologies of Career Path Appreciation (CPA), Initial Recruitment Interview Schedule (IRIS) and the Matrix of Working Relationships (also known as Levels of Work).

As such, the company is part of the BIOSS International network of companies’ worldwide, which support and develop, in practice, the research and work of the Brunel Institute of Organisation and Social Studies. We maintain close links with other companies in the network and are therefore able to tap into a wealth of knowledge and diversity in forging long-term relationships with our clients. Our consultants and associates are exposed to international thinking and developments and enjoy opportunities to participate in multi-national projects, thus bringing a high level of experience and expertise to bear in the work they do for our clients.