After candidates complete their MCPAs they receive an evaluation questionnaire where they are asked to provide candid feedback about their experience of completing the assessment.

Some of their feedback is highlighted below:

It was an eye opener, and the assessment was also helpful in helping to understand myself better.

The process unearthed my profile in a manner that i have not experienced before. I am now clear on which roles am better suited in the job market.

I think every professional should go through their own MCPA as a general course of development.

The discussion is so revealing as to the circumstances surrounding the workplace and one’s position in their career journey.

It was so enlightening walking through the process and interview and getting to the final phase of discussing the theory and summary of it all.

Compared to other psychometric tests I have done, I think MCPA gives the candidate the opportunity to justify their choices, and to be credible.

It takes you into your inner depth. And makes you consider a lot of things about where you are and where you see yourself in the future.

The test forces candidates to do deep introspection in order to be able to make the right career decisions and to assess whether they would be happy in particular work situations.

Insightful, unbiased assessment of your capabilities, career, and approach to work.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but found a new lens to assess my career and future growth. I came away with a feeling of positivity and wanting to learn more.

The MCPA is a must for all employees, and not just for a recruitment process

I’d certainly recommend this assessment. As one progresses through their career there is very little opportunity to reflect and receive the sort of feedback that provides this level of guidance and validation. This outcome is valuable and the process well worth completing.”

It’s a necessary process, not only to be done during job application. This is good feedback for employees. It keeps you fresh and aligned to your personal goals and vision – and that of the company too.

The MCPA enhanced how I think about my career; highlighted my strengths, and as a result I am feeling more confident that I am in the right space of my career.

It was an experience that everyone in a working environment needs to go through to be able to understand their work stage and shortcomings.

It is a very effective process for self-learning in terms of leadership. It also gave me the opportunity to review my career plan and my short- and medium-term projects and goals.

I enjoyed the MCPA, as it helped me to reflect on my career path, how I would like to work and where I am heading.

I enjoyed taking the time to reflect on my career aspirations through the interactive process.

The MCPA helps one to actually know how far they have come, and what is it that they really want to achieve in life.

The MCPA is the best way to assess individual capabilities and future development opportunities.

It was interesting to talk about my journey and see the story the practitioner wove out of it, which resonated a lot with me.

The MCPA was very fruitful – I would recommend most companies to make use of it.

The assessments and subsequent validation process is a powerful tool that organisations can utilise to identify talent and select suitable candidates. The fact that the process is administered by an independent entity who are objective gives it even more credibility. This was my first experience and will share same with my former colleagues who are in Senior Management to explore possibilities of adopting it.