An Easy Way to Analyse Behaviour and Get it Right
The Personal Development Analysis (PDA) is an online behavioural tool that helps managers select the right people for their teams i.e. someone who fits their team’s culture, values, work ethic, and blend of personalities.
During a selection process it’s generally easy to determine a candidate’s technical ability. However, it’s far more difficult to determine a candidate’s behavioural characteristics and what risk factors may be lurking underneath the surface. Managers tend to rely on gut feel and their impressions of the candidate to determine the culture fit, however candidates are skilled interviewees and often merely tell us what we want to hear.
Gut feel still plays a role, but the PDA allows you to make a more objective and scientific decision and hence a more informed one. The PDA allows you to assess a candidate’s strengths, developmental areas, team and culture fit, fit with the manager, as well as communication and decision making style. It’s a simple tool yet provides you with information you cannot attain via an interview.
Managers can be trained to use the PDA as part of their selection process leading to the selection of candidates who are not only technically strong but who will fit the team from a behavioural perspective.
Most often we hire candidates because of their technical ability, but end up firing them because of a culture mismatch, personality clashes, inability to get along with the team, or values incompatibility. The PDA helps you to pre-empt the risk factors before it’s too late.
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