
Capability Interviews

Our Capability Interviews consist of the Career Path Appreciation, Modified Career Path Appreciation and the Initial Recruitment Interview schedule…Read More »

Linked Psychometric Assessment (LPA)

The LPA covers the key areas that condition how executives function as members of a management team…
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ELDI 360°

A 360-degree leadership assessment which compares an individual’s self-assessment to that of managers, colleagues and direct reports…Read More »


We offer our clients an online role profiling system, the ORA, an online data management system (Genie) and a performance management system…Read More »


BIOSS SA is the local exclusive distributor of the Psymetrics suite of assessments all of which are accessible in the System.

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Gamified Assessments

Nothing “Wows” a top candidate quite like a lifelike, custom-designed virtual workspace to conduct your pre-interview assessments.

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