Organisational Role Appreciation (ORA)

The ORA is an online role profiling system, based on the Matrix of Working Relationships (MWR). The ORA provides clients with the following information:

  • Purpose and accountabilities of a role, via freeform capture
  • Level of Work, estimated through a series of questionnaires
  • Role profiles, created through a series of questionnaires
  • Points-rating, if required for job measurement
  • Job description output to Microsoft Word
  • Easy customisation of all text
  • Skills inventory and knowledge catalogue facility
  • “What ifs” to support organisational planning
  • Output to personnel records systems as defined by the client.

Work Relationships Appreciation (WRA)

A diagnostic process used to develop managers, teams and organisations. Based on the Tripod of Work, the WRA identifies and evaluates working relationships between a leader, their individual team members and the leader’s own manager. The WRA is also valuable in exploring wider issues of organisational design.


We offer our clients an online data management system, which also has talent mapping and pipelining capability linked to the CPA.